Statement from Northside Neighborhoods Council regarding City of Mpls Meeting about Public Housing

Dear Allies: Here is a statement and video shared by our coalition members Northside Neighborhoods Council regarding February 5th, 2020 City of Minneapolis Housing Policy & Development Committee’s meeting about the public housing. Please read NNC’s statement below, view the video, start at 11:30, and see how awful city council members talk about us, public housing residents. #StopSection18

“It is disturbing the way this meeting played out. Community members and Public Housing residents are talked about with disdain when what they are fighting for is to keep public housing public. There are real discrepancies and flawed statements coming from MPHA.

We have included the video here, start at the 11:30 mark:

Also, if you are curious about why we are asking to #StopSection18 the reasons are laid out in our letter to our Senators created with Defend Glendale & Public Housing Coalition. You can read that here:

Note that a motion brought by CM Gordon recommended a postponement to Section 18 ownership transfer and failed 5 to 1.

The other was a staff direction related to recommendations about future funding for Public Housing. This would be a key first step to getting some city dedicated tax levy money to support (and influence terms of its use) for public housing which failed 3 to 3.

Tracey Scott also misled the Council to believe that State Senators retract their statement, of which they did not. You can read their original letter here:

And their latest statement here:

There is a lot of false claims going around. We encourage everyone to please read, learn, and educate yourself about the impact of privatizing these properties and what it will mean for public housing residents..”